thomas trackless train in Australia

Beston Thomas Trackless Train In Australia

Are you interested in our Beston kid thomas trackless rides?  [button style=”btn-danger btn-sm” icon=”glyphicon glyphicon-ok” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”true” title=” Please Send Us an Inquiry” link=”#” linkrel=””]

On 13rd, November,2019, our australia client have receliverd the thomas trackless train with colorful lights and have start his business in shopping mall, when our client get the train, he is very satisfued with our thomas trackless train and he said that he hope to build more business with Beston Amusement Group in the future, Below are some thomas trackless train photo feedback from our Australia client in Australia working for your reference.(8-52 seats trackless & track train available in Beston Group)

thomas trackless train photo feedback from Australia clients

Beston’s trackless train rides are often comprised of a locomotive and 4 passenger wagons that will carry between 18 to 24 children and adults,but for the tourist train, per cabin can carry 52 persons. Beston strives to provide the trackless train customer an attractive attraction at a value price. We are a comprehensive import and export company. Though many year development, we have achieved a great success. We accept your small order. We believe we offer the best balance of price, styling and operational maintenance options in the electric trackless land train industry. Purchase our superior trackless trains or accessories to create multiple revenue generating train attractions within your business operation.Click Here for learning more About thomas trackless train.

    Customize Your Park Solutions


    1. Build new project, old park upgrade, preliminary research?

    2. Your project type? (theme park & amusement park, indoor play center, resorts & vacation destinations, adventure & outdoor activities, carnivals & plaza fairs, arcades & video game center, water parks, others.

    3. Which rides do you prefer? (product name, capacity, quantity, etc.)

    4. Is the land approved? Are the funds ready?

    5. When will you open the project up?

    Your Requirement:*